Tundra biome

Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturia, meaning treeless plain.

Characteristics of Tundra

  1. Extremely cold climate
  2. Low biotic diversity
  3. Simple vegetation structure
  4. Limitation of drainage
  5. Short season of growth and reproduction
  6. Energy and nutrients in the form of dead organic material
  7. Large population oscillations
  • There are no trees in the tundra (Ground is frozen). Lowest form of vegetation like mosses, lichens etc. are found here and there.
  •  Coastal lowlands support hardy grasses and the reindeer moss which provide the only
    pasturage for reindeers

Reindeers eating reindeer moss in arctic Tundra


In the brief summer, berry-bearing bushes and Arctic flowers bloom


arctic willow

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